Airbus has opened the Harbin Hafei Airbus Composite Manufacturing Centre in Harbin, China, to manufacture composite parts for the A350 XWB.

The 33,800m² manufacturing centre will produce A350 XWB components, which include rudders, elevators, section 19 maintenance doors and belly fairing parts.

The centre will use advanced equipment and technology, including automated-tape-laying, autoclave, automated trimming and non-destructive test equipment.

The A350 XWB is a highly efficient medium-capacity long-range wide-body aircraft, with a range of up to 8,300nm (15,400km).

The A350 has the widest cabin in its category and offers the lowest operating costs and lowest seat-mile cost of any aircraft.

The final assembly of A350 XWB will begin by the end of 2011 at the new final assembly building in Toulouse, France.