Sensor development and data management company Tyrata has tested its IntelliTread Internal Tread Sensor (ITS) in a laboratory environment.

Tyrata said that aircraft tyres are exposed to extreme operating conditions.

The company’s ITS is designed to serve as a direct measurement sensor to monitor, track and predict aircraft tyre tread wear.

In a statement, Tyrata said: “Aircraft tyres are complex, highly engineered structures designed to safely withstand heavy loads for take-offs and landings in a variety of weather conditions.

“Proper inspection and regular service in accordance to manufacturer’s specifications ensure tyre performance and safety.”

In order to maintain tyre health and ensure performance and safety, ground crews and aircraft tyre manufacturers require real-time info on tread thickness.

Tyrata is currently using its proprietary technology to develop a range of Cloud-based tread-depth measurement systems and analytical tools.

These include fleet deployments in local centres and highly distributed solutions for consumer, ridesharing and aircraft applications.

Tyrata chief technology officer Aaron Franklin said: “Aircraft tyres vary significantly in construction, tyre structure and material compounds from automotive and truck tires. Although we need to proceed with further testing, the initial IntelliTread ITS data is very encouraging.”

The company is also expected to conduct further durability and in-tyre sensor field tests.