Boeing, Mexico’s Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) and Aeromexico will collaborate on a biojet programme to advance the research and development of sustainable aviation biofuel.

The biojet programme is supported by the country’s Sector Fund for Energy Sustainability (SENER-CONACYT).

The initiative was formalised by Boeing, Aeromexico, ASA and the Potosinian Institute of Scientific and Technological Research (IPICYT) in Mexico City.

IPICYT will lead the initiative, in which 17 institutions, including Aeromexico and Boeing, nine CONACYT research centres, Mexican companies Pemex, QENER and Tratamientos Reciclados del Sureste, Mexican Petroleum Institute, Masdar Institute of Science and Technology of United Arab Emirates, and the US Joint BioEnergy Institute will be involved.

In order to develop a self-sustaining business model, the Mexican Government and collaborating institutions will fund the initiative for four years.

Research will be carried out on biomass sourcing, fuel production, sustainability and lifecycle assessment, as well as aviation biofuel market development. Aviation biofuel feedstocks will include jatropha, salt-tolerant Salicornia and sewage sludge.

The projects to be developed under the initiative are expected to meet sustainability criteria set by the Roundtable on Sustainable Biomaterials.

"The success of these efforts would not be possible without the team work of Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) and our strategic partner Boeing."

According to an estimate by the US Department of Energy, sustainably produced biofuel can cut CO2 emissions by 50% to 80% compared to conventional petroleum fuel.

Aeromexico people and industries affairs chief Sergio Allard said: "The success of these efforts would not be possible without the team work of Airports and Auxiliary Services (ASA) and our strategic partner Boeing.

"They have been a fundamental part in projects like the first transcontinental biofuel flight in the history of world aviation performed in a Mexico-Madrid route, or the green flights between Mexico and Costa Rica.

"In Aeromexico, we recognise that conducting a sustainable operation is an everyday commitment.

"We are ready to assume the challenge and break the myth that you cannot be socially and environmentally responsible and competitive at the same time."

Boeing is currently involved in biofuel projects in several regions, including the US, Australia, Brazil, China, Europe, Middle East, South Africa and Southeast Asia.

In December, Boeing collaborated with the University of British Columbia (UBC) and SkyNRG to initiate a project that seeks to turn leftover branches, sawdust and other forest industry waste into sustainable aviation biofuel.

The initiative is supported by Canada’s aviation industry and other stakeholders.