Nasa’s Mercury surface, space environment, geochemistry and ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft has revealed more hidden territories on Mercury, observing a major portion of the planet’s surface.

The Nasa craft, which has been specifically designed to survive the extreme conditions of Mercury, provided an almost complete view of the planet’s surface and more scientific findings.

The satellite’s third and final fly-by past Mercury in September 2009 enabled further observation of the planet’s surface and also aided in completing a critical gravity assist, required to enter into orbit around Mercury in 2011.

About 98% of Mercury’s surface has been imaged by Nasa spacecraft, which will now observe the polar regions, the only unobserved areas of the planet, while orbiting around Mercury.

The MESSENGER spacecraft features a suite of seven instruments including a Mercury dual-imaging system, Mercury atmospheric and surface composition spectrometer, and an energetic particle and plasma spectrometer.

The spacecraft is collecting data to find answers about Mercury’s density, geologic history, magnetic field, structure of Mercury’s core, its exosphere and elements on the planet’s pole.