State-owned Geoscience Australia has collaborated with Lockheed Martin to research the development of a second-generation satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) testbed.

The partnership is expected to demonstrate how a second-generation SBAS testbed uses signals from the global positioning system (GPS), the Galileo constellation and dual frequencies in order to achieve better integrity and accuracy than the global navigation satellite system (GNSS).   

As part of the research, the SBAS testbed will also validate applications in nine different industry sectors, including agriculture, aviation, construction, maritime, mining, rail, road, spatial, and utilities, over two years.

The proposed research will further show how augmenting signals from multiple GNSS constellations can improve positioning, navigation and timing for various applications.

Lockheed Martin Australia and New Zealand chief executive Vince Di Pietro said: “Many industries rely on GNSS signals for accurate, safe navigation. Users must be confident in the position solutions calculated by GNSS receivers.

"Many industries rely on GNSS signals for accurate, safe navigation."

“The term 'integrity' defines the confidence in the position solutions provided by GNSS.

“Industries, where safety-of-life navigation is crucial, want assured GNSS integrity.”

Once developed, the second-generation SBAS testbed will provide improved safety, productivity, efficiency and innovation for Australia's industrial and research sectors.

After commissioning the testbed, Geoscience Australia will monitor basic GNSS signals through its different reference stations.

Under its contract with Geoscience Australia, Lockheed Martin will provide systems integration expertise and the Uralla radio frequency uplink, while GMV-Spain will provide its 'magicGNSS' processors.

The Australian Government, Inmarsat and others are also involved in the research project.

Image: Second-generation satellite-based augmentation system (SBAS) infographic. Photo: courtesy of Lockheed Martin Corporation.